Gaming Contractors

A “Contractor,” as defined in COMAR (1), is a person or individual, other than an employee of a video lottery operation licensee, who contracts with a video lottery operation licensee or other person to:

  1. Manage or operate a video lottery facility;
  2. Provide security for a video lottery facility;
  3. Perform service, maintenance, or repairs of a video lottery terminal, table game device, central operating system, associated equipment, or software;
  4. Own or control a person described above in (a), (b) or (c);
  5. Provide junket enterprise services; or
  6. Provide any other service that is essential to operation of a video lottery facility.

All prospective gaming contractor applicants must submit a Gaming-Related and Sports Wagering-Related Determinations form.

Maryland SDAT Compliance:

Applicants are reminded that in order to legally conduct business in Maryland, registration with the Maryland State Department of Assessments and Taxation (“Maryland SDAT”) is required. Applicants who anticipate doing business in Maryland in the future are advised to carefully review the Maryland SDAT Contact Information sheet.

To submit documents related to an application, or for additional information, contact the Gaming Enterprise Licensing Team at [email protected].

The process for wire transfers of application and licensing fees has recently changed. All wire transfers must now be submitted to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. and may no longer be sent to Bank of America, N.A. To see where to send payments, click this link: Important Payment Information


View the List of Approved Contractor Licenses in the State of Maryland

(List last updated January 27, 2025)

All prospective Gaming Contractor applicants must submit a “Gaming-Related and Sports Wagering-Related Determinations” form (see below in the forms tab) to the Maryland Lottery and Gaming Control Agency (via

For questions related to the Contractor License Applications (including related Principal Gaming Employee Applications, Gaming Employee Applications, Principal Entity Disclosures, or Institutional Investor Waiver Applications), contact the Gaming Enterprise Licensing Team at [email protected].