Licenses are issued by the Maryland Lottery and Gaming Control Commission (“Commission”). License applications are investigated by the Maryland Lottery and Gaming Control Agency’s Regulatory Licensing and Background Investigations Division.
All employees, contractors and manufacturers must be licensed before working in or with Maryland’s casinos, sports wagering facilities or bingo halls.
Casino, Sports Wagering and Bingo Employees & Applicants
For information on obtaining a Gaming and Sports Wagering license (for jobs such as table games dealers, sports wagering ticket writers, slot machine attendants, slot machine or sports wagering equipment technicians, instant bingo hall managers, count room employees, security and surveillance personnel, auditing and accounting employees, or information technology employees); or a Non-Gaming and Non-Sports Wagering license (for jobs such as clerical/administrative staff, food and beverage servers and maintenance personnel), click here.
Vendors: Non-Gaming and Non-Sports Wagering Goods and Services
For information on being approved to provide non-gaming and non-sports wagering goods and services (such as suppliers of food and beverages; refuse handlers; janitorial and maintenance companies; marketing and advertising companies; construction and landscaping services; payroll services and other employer-related services; and payment processing providers), as well as a list of the Commission’s Approved Vendors, click here.
Gaming Manufacturers & Contractors
For information on Gaming Manufacturer license applications (companies that provide gaming devices, systems, equipment or software such as table games; slot machines; central operating systems; cards; dice; chips/cheques; and currency counters) and for a list of licensed Gaming Manufacturers, click here.
For information on Gaming Contractor license applications (companies that service, maintain or repair gaming devices, systems, equipment or software; provide primary security for a casino or sports wagering facility; or provide junket enterprises) and for a list of licensed Gaming Contractors), click here.
Sports Wagering Contractors
For information on Sports Wagering Contractor license applications (companies that provide sports wagering devices, systems, equipment or software such as sports wagering system platforms; wagering terminals; kiosks; wagering technology and associated equipment; technicians maintaining wagering system platforms, terminals and kiosks; and odds providers), click here.
Allied Gaming Regulators
Investigators and staff from allied Gaming Regulation Commissions, Enforcement Divisions or Control Boards seeking license verifications are asked to submit requests in writing. Requests on agency letterhead and copies of information release authorization forms may be emailed to [email protected].